As life moves along we find ourselves juggling professional jobs, owning a home, and learning how to parent with keeping our priorities straight and living what we believe. Our idea of adventure has shifted from scaling mountains and traveling the world to realizing it is more about an expression of your heart's intention and passion for life. Adventure is the ability to think big about who you are, how you live, and what you can do in the world. In the midst of life moving at a rapid pace, here is our attempt at infusing each day, each project, and each relationship with intention, focus, and humor. Let's see how it goes...

Sunday, April 27, 2014


It was a wet and snowy day in the Spearfish Canyon. I love being in the Black Hills! It's home and totally beautiful and lush. I hope we end up back home someday. LOVE. (except for getting caught in a horrible blizzard on our drive back to Newcastle)


We are spending the weekend in the Black Hills for a wedding. It's fun to be with the family and we are always reminded of how much we love and miss the Hills whenever we come back!


I have to admit, road trips with the kids are not a load of fun. There are a few moments, like listening to Bloom sing along with the Frozen soundtrack that make me smile and enjoy the ride a little.


Bloom's good friend Miles lives just two door down (for now). We enjoy not only having this kiddo around but occasionally hanging out in the front yard yacking with his parents.


The kids were is childcare all day and I got a good amount of work done. I love my cozy little office and the work that I am blessed to do.


Went to the park with the kids and actually read one full chapter while the kids played. Glorious!


In her short 2+ years in this world Ani is up for ANYTHING. Today we embraced her hair and went for the pixie cut which she was so excited about. I love this about her and hope that this part of her stays alive and well throughout the years!


Happy Birthday to Bloom! He makes our lives and this world a funnier, fuller, and more interesting place.


We are spending the weekend at Glendo camping and celebrating Bloom's birthday. The weather is beyond what we could have hoped for! It's great to be outside having fun adventures with our kids and great friends!


Pedicures and great conversation with a good friend is an amazing way to start the day and weekend!

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Awww yeah. This happened today. Tons of sun and very little wind. Even though it barely reached 50 degrees it felt like heaven.


Birthday Extravaganza! I had a blast today shopping for Bloom's birthday. I can't wait to celebrate his 4th year in this world.


Thanks God for the close proximity to Fort Collins for the preservation of my sanity! This afternoon we went from incredibly windy and miserable to pure sun and even a little sweat thanks to good 'ol CO.


In Between Two Ferns marathon with Jillian and Heath. Best night ever! We even ate dinner (that Jillian cooked!) in front of the TV.


After a long yoga teacher training weekend it was so good to return to a kidless home and watch movies with Heath and a couple friends.


I am absolutely blessed to not only work with the most creative, powerful, and inspirational women but also to call them my best friends. Wow! What a gift!


Grandma to the rescue! The kids were thrilled to be spending a week with Grandma and I was just as excited. So thankful for a break!


I am blessed with amazing people in my life you are supportive and always willing to help when I need it. Tonight I really needed it. Thanks Joe Bundy!


Yep, it's true. These are actually flowers...blooming...in Laramie. Hope.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


The kids are LOVING bike riding. This means that whenever there is a semi-nice day, we are all happy campers!


Cleaned House Yesterday + Extra Child Care Today = actually getting some work done without emptying the dishwasher and picking up toys between emails and phone calls. Glorious. Who knew work could be so great?


The weekly cleaning ritual is Heath taking the kids out of the house for a while so I can scrub and sweep. Usually I am still trying to finish up when the kids rush in and start dumping over the mop water. Today I finished and had a moment to sit on the couch and enjoy the clean for a few sweet moments.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Today was the 5th Yoga Day down at the studio. It is such a fun day. The studio is bustling and full and everyone is laughing, hanging out, and having fun. I am so grateful for the community I get to be a part of and all of the amazing teachers who put their time and energy in to making the studio the best it can be. My heart is full.


A fun night out with new friends!


Heath took the kids for a little bike ride around the block. I had to grab dinner before I went to work. I sat down, watched some TV, and thoroughly enjoyed a quiet dinner.


THIS JUST IN: they are spending a week at Grandma and Grandpa's. I don't know who's more excited them or me. So grateful for family who love our children and give us a break.


It's funny how a 36 degree day with sun and no wind actually feels nice...nice enough to ride bikes at the greenbelt!


Need I say more?


Seriously, so thankful for being so close to Fort Collins where it always seems to be ice cream weather!

Saturday, March 29, 2014


This happened today! It was so fun and exciting! Ani is only 2 1/2, she isn't even potty trained yet. I had a blast out there with the kids watching them ride bikes. Now if the only the weather would shape up, it seems everyone wants to be outside all the time riding bikes.


A Friday night at home, my husband, and a bottle of wine. A formula for fun and a headache the next day. It's nice to actually have an uninterrupted conversation with that guy a married.


I'll be the first to admit that days spend at home with the kids are rarely described by me as fun, but today was. The kids played "super hero" and chanced me around the house. It's fun to watch them use their imaginations.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014


I have gone down the rabbit hole of resources. One good books leads to another. I have been enjoying all of the inspiring and informative books that are pointing me towards my Dharma.


A 50 degree day is cause for celebration! We spent the entire day outside in the backyard and riding bikes around the block. I even managed to read a book for bit while the kids played.


I guess the kids are recovering from vacation...I got to sleep until 8am this morning!


Yet another outdoor outing! I guess it takes being cooped up all winter to absolutely love being outside. Now that Bloom is riding his bike we (the adults) get to have a little more fun too. This time we took our long boards our and rode at the Green Belt.


I am so grateful for having a handy husband. He has transformed our home and yard and today he helps with yet another project at the studio. I officially have an office!

Saturday, March 22, 2014


Vacation is over : ( It always goes so fast. Today travel went smoothly and we are back cozied in at home in footie pajamas.


At Butterfly Wonderland! 


Tons of outside time EVERYDAY! 


A night out with the hubby. We went to a way too expensive restaurant and then Lululemon. My dream date.



This week I am so thankful for warm weather and the chance to get away!!!

Saturday, March 15, 2014


Swimsuits, sun, flip flops, shorts, 83 degrees, and Nannie and Poppie...




Lindsey, Brandon, and Jude's last day in Laramie. Lindsey and I snuck away for a yoga class together. We probably scared the whole room of people with our sobs through and after class. I cherish the few moments we had hugging and crying.


Savoring some last cuddles with Jude while she is still a tiny bug! I will miss watching her grow daily but feel fortunate I was able to spend the first few months of her life together.


Tonight was our last of the many, many dinners we have shared together with our great friends. Of course there will be more dinners together, but much fewer and farther between. We are blessed to have such awesome friends and will miss them daily.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Moments like these make the long, tiring parenting days worth it.


A long and transformative weekend of yoga teacher training was brought to a close with decent food and great friends, both old and new (Jillian, Heath, Carly, and Becca). Great conversation and time to unwind.


An amazing and LONG day at yoga teacher training was ended with a quiet night and a drink. My tired bones feel soothed.